Friday, June 1, 2007

International news about my country (draft 2)

I came across this article from the Washington Post. It had mentioned the provinces in south of China to ban keeping of mistresses. I chose this headline because I found it is not only in China, but also in other countries, the trend of keeping of mistresses is rising every year. Some provinces of Guangdong had been passing a law to ban this trend. Beijing News mentioned the law is about legislation guaranteeing women’s rights, especially extra-marital affairs should be banned. A lawmaker of Guangdong, who is named Cheng Jingchu also, indicated marital stability should be enhancing. Although, China reminds officials to honour the sanctity of marriage, some of the senior cadres’ cases still involved mistresses.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

dip trip (dtraft 2)

When I heard we had a trip on the first of May 2007, I was so interested in it. I never had a trip like this. I thought that day was so fantastic. I really enjoyed it.
Kent, Sisqo, Jamila and I made a decision. We met at Unitec in front of building 48 first, then we drove in one car together. Unfortunately, we went to La Vinci Café without our boss (Jamila), because she got sick. I hope she feels better now. Finally, Kent, Sisqo and I went together. We played some shocking music while we were driving. I felt so good.
We arrived at La Vinci café around 10 o’clock, and we ordered some drinks and cakes. After that we followed Jane’s car and went to Cornwallis Beach. I was so excited, because we had a picnic. I loved it. I will never forget the chicken was cooked by Anita and Flint’s cake; both of those were so delicious. We also went to fishing; I found there were so many professional fishers in my class, such as Buchao and Cindy. They taught me how to fish, although I tried so hard, I still caught nothing.
However, the time passed so quickly and nobody wanted to leave. I will never forget this day. I hope we can have more and more trips like this. I love this trip, I love everybody in my class.

Book review (draft 2)

Recently, I read a book called “Rain Man”. Charley is a hustler. He has his own business but the company is terrible and he has not got enough money to pay bills. He finds that a father, who threw him out when he was a teenager, has died. He's left him an antique convertible and something more important: A completely unknown brother, Raymond. Raymond is autistic, but he is able to calculate mathematical problems in his head with great speed and accuracy. Their father has left his most of possessions to Raymond, who doesn't even understand what money is for. Charley is enraged by what has happened and by his father keeping Raymond's existence from him for his entire life. He kidnaps Raymond from his residential home. When they had been on their trip, Charley found that Raymond was his secret friend when he was young. Charley called him “Rain Man”. The old memory emerged in his mind. He really has this older brother. The long trip helped them to understand each other.

lecture note 2 first aid

Today I learned some important things from lecture about First Aid. I think is very helpful for everybody. It taught what we should do when the emergency happened, especially CPR. I will be worried when someone fainted on the street, although I want to help that people. However, I do not need to afraid it any more. Firstly, you should think about yourself: Are you safe? It means safe yourself and then save others. Secondly, should communicate with that person, and lift the chin up, listen the breathing, watch the chest expanding. If the person stills no answer, try to give few breaths, and rhythm 30 times, put hand on top of chest. When you do breath do not forget using something cover the person’s mouse. It calls Kiss of the life. But if do rhythm for children or baby, you must be more carefully. For children just use one hand, if for the baby only 2 figures and very soft. It also talked about bleeding.

At last, I think I should do more courses about first aid and accumulate more knowledge. I want to help others, and become helpful for others.

International news about my country(draft 1)

I came across this article from Washington Post. It mentioned the province of south of China banned keeping of mistresses. I choose this headline because I found not only China, but also other countries; the trend of keeping of mistresses is rising every year. Some provinces of Guangdong were passing a law to ban this trend. Beijing news mentioned the low is about legislation guaranteeing women’s right, especially the extra-marital affairs should be banned. A lawmaker of Guangdong who named Cheng Jingchu also indicated the marital stability should be enhancing. Although, China reminds the officials to honour the sanctity of marriage, but some of senior cadres’ cases still involving mistresses.

The summary of ‘climate panel goes for nuclear option’ Text--based skill 2 (week 8 draft 1)

Climate change experts and environmentalists are on a collision that using more nuclear power against the global warming and boosting biofuel production. The proposals come as the removing of all excessive restrictions on uranium in Australia. It is estimated that the cost for keeping the greenhouse gas in an acceptable level would be 0.2 per cent to 0.6 per cent of global wealth by 2030. As more plan use for nuclear power, modified biofuels and carbon capture and storage, the IPCC report had a forecast of the future about the methods that used. Besides nuclear reactors, land clearance, chemical pesticides and fertilizers used to grow fuel crops could destroy environment. However, some other group comments that IPCC have not got enough reasons to support their view about the world’s climate problems.

News headline (week6 draft 2)

I came across this crime story from the internet .It is about a victim who was threatened by two people with batons and what happened.The case happened on February 14 on the Harbour Bridge. Because the offender¡¯s car cut into the travelling lane and caused other drivers broke suddenlly and took some evasive actions. When the victim was forced to stop,then two offenders got down with tow batons. At that time, a witness stopped them. Therefore, I think driver should drive safly and carefully.

Most of the verb forms explain what happened are past simple.There are several passive verb forms describe what victim is force to do. However, not have any perfect and future's verb forms.