Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The summary of ‘climate panel goes for nuclear option’ Text--based skill 2 (week 8 draft 1)

Climate change experts and environmentalists are on a collision that using more nuclear power against the global warming and boosting biofuel production. The proposals come as the removing of all excessive restrictions on uranium in Australia. It is estimated that the cost for keeping the greenhouse gas in an acceptable level would be 0.2 per cent to 0.6 per cent of global wealth by 2030. As more plan use for nuclear power, modified biofuels and carbon capture and storage, the IPCC report had a forecast of the future about the methods that used. Besides nuclear reactors, land clearance, chemical pesticides and fertilizers used to grow fuel crops could destroy environment. However, some other group comments that IPCC have not got enough reasons to support their view about the world’s climate problems.

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