Friday, May 4, 2007

Oral skiil-three pronunciation features

Morning class I listened a report about the money national radio’s news headlines. It mentioned about 6 stories: The Herald-2 stories; Dominion post-2 stories; The press-1story; Otago Daily times-1 story.

I am interest the first story, the transcription is” the new drug trial offering hope to women with the history of miscarriages.”

The three pronunciation features is:

Consonant to vowel link: the new /∂/;

Extra linking sounds: /r/eg.thehistory/ri/ /∂/of miscarriages;

Weak forms of prepositions, articles, modal verbs, auxiliary verbs:

The/∂/ new drug trail offering hope to/∂/ women with the/∂/ history of /∂/ miscarriages.

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